In the heart of India’s bustling metropolis, a story of passion and dreams unfolds—a tale of Ritu and Anandita, a mother-daughter duo whose love for each other is only matched by their love for creativity. Their entrepreneurial journey with Ruby Raang is not just a business chronicle; it’s a narrative of life, learning, and the unbreakable bond of family.

Ritu, once a schoolteacher, and Anandita, a young publicist, found their true calling in the glittering world of jewelry. 

Their journey was filled with challenges. As self-taught entrepreneurs, they embarked on a path of continuous learning, supplementing their knowledge with executive education from institutions like IIM Bangalore and Harvard Business School. This education underscored their commitment to excellence and their relentless pursuit of knowledge.

Ruby Raang is an ode to the love and friendship Ritu and Anandita share. It reflects their deep understanding of clients and their passion for jewelry

Their purpose transcends aesthetics. Ruby Raang stands for empowerment, focusing on the upliftment of women and the education of girls. Many of their craftswomen come from marginalized backgrounds, trained in-house, and given a platform to shine. The brand’s sister concern, conceptualized in Dubai and handcrafted in India, brings Indian craftsmanship to the world stage, offering chic and luxe pieces to an international clientele.

Featured in Vogue, Economic Times, NDTV, Hindustan Times & many more. 

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